Auschwitz Facts – 37 Horrifying Facts About Auschwitz

Auschwitz Camp Facts

Dr Mengele advised her to kill the new born but she did not oblige and tried to save the new born with any resources available to her.

Antoni Dobrowolski was the oldest survivor of the Holocaust who died in on October 21, 2012, in Poland. He was arrested by Gestapo in 1942 for providing free education to children and it went against the Nazi dictate that Poles should have only four years education.

Fearful of the world reaction to the horrors they perpetrated on the Jews and other communities, the Nazis tried to destroy the camps before abandoning them in the wake of the Soviet advance.

However much of Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II (Birkenau) remained intact and is today a Museum and memorial.

The Nazis perfected the Zyklon B gas for mass killing. It was first tested by the SS and its success led to its adoption for all the gas chambers in the Auschwitz complex.

The Nazis also used the non Jewish female prisoners as sex slaves. They were offered the choice of ‘light work’ which in other words meant prostitution

Denmark was the only country which managed to save 95% of its Jewish population and thousands of them were offloaded to neutral Sweden after a tip off from a renegade German diplomat.