Bear Facts – Interesting Facts About Bear

Fun Bear Facts

Bears go for long sleep in winters similar to hibernation. They sleep in their dens and mother bear will have her cubs along with her in the den.

Some bear species makes nests in trees! Asiatic bears, sun bears, black bears, and spectacled bears are some of these species. They bed down tree branches and make sitting areas that look similar to bird nests. Some bears sleep in these nests while others will hide or eat in them.

Berries are acrorns form the major part of bear’s diet. After eating, the nutrients are absorbed by the body, while the waste or seeds, become scat (bears poop). The seeds the scat will begin to sprout and grow into new plants.

Bear’s ball bladder has medicinal effects and this has taken toll on the Sloth and Asiatic bear populations now they fall in the endangered species list.

In 1902, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, popularly known as Teddy Roosevelt, was on hunting. He came across a bear cup that would have been a great hunting trophy but he chose to let the bear live. (Actually, people brought it to him and he refused to shoot it). This incident spread quickly and the teddy Bear came to be!

Panda’s eye is a vertical slit so they can see by day and night like nocturnal animals.

A bear cub called Misha was mascot of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, Soviet Union.

Polar bears can overheat especially when running or swimming.

The polar bear was the mascot for the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Canada.

Brown bears preferred living areas vary from meadows and valleys to forests and mountain.