Bullying Facts – 100 Staggering Facts About Bullying

Bullying Facts for Kids

Fighting back to deal with bullying makes the problem worse. As they face prolonged and severe bullying as a consequence.

70% of children think that schools respond poorly to bullying.

Gay teens are 3 times more likely to report being bullied than other children.

2% of LGBT students are the victims of cyberbullying.

Jingoism or extreme patriotism, often leads to international bullying.

9% of children in grades 6 to 12 are the victims of cyberbullying.

6 out of 10 teenagers report that they experience bullying once every day in school.

28% of students in grades 6 to 12 are the victims of bullying.

Bullies abuse smoking and alcohol, and were more likely to have negative attitudes about school.

20% of children in grades 9 to 12 experience bullying.