Facts About Africa That Are Mind Blowing

Interesting Facts About Africa

Africa and Asia people have to walk an average of 3.7 miles (6 KM) to collect water.

The deadliest animal in Africa is hippopotamus.

There’s a beer that is brewed from bananas in Africa.

South Africans can legally attach flamethrowers to cars in order to repel carjackers.

Nearly half of the gold ever mined has come from Witwatersrand, South Africa.

Most of the world’s fastest runners come from a single tribe in Kenya, called the “Kalenjins.”

1 in 4 adults in Swaziland, Africa, are infected with HIV.

In Africa, the women of the Mursi tribe wear plates on their lips that can be as large as 5 inches (12 cm) in diameter.

Mozambique has an AK-47 assault rifle on its flag.