Blood Facts – 29 Interesting Facts About Blood

Fun Facts About Blood

Blood is broadly categorized into 4 groups, A, B, O, and AB of what is known as the simplified “ABO” system. All groups are further classified as Rh positive and Rh negative. However blood types are much more complex and today more than 30 types of blood groups are known.

Blood donation must be encouraged since the blood donated is replenished quickly by the body and the donated blood can prove to be life savior for a number of individuals. The person who wishes to donate must do it voluntarily and without any monetary consideration. Strict rules and screening process is in place to prevent any chance of diseases from being transmitted with the donated blood.

The blood pressure in the average human body is 120/80. The blood pressure is measured by a device known as Sphygmomanometer.

Blood pressure usually increases with age and a condition known as hypertension which can be dangerous and precipitate stroke, kidney damage, and damage to retina.

Every two seconds a person in US needs blood. The total requirement of blood in the US is about 36000 units every day. 7000 units of platelets and 10000 units of plasma are needed every day in the US. 21 million blood components are transfused each year in the US. The average RBC transfusion is 3 pints. O group is the most requested blood group from hospitals.

Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease and afflicts 90000 to 100,000 people in the U.S. Every year 1000 babies are born with the ailment. Sickle cell anemia patients require frequent blood transfusion.

A study released by American Cancer Society more than 1.69 million people will be afflicted with cancer in 2017 and they will need blood during chemotherapy.

An average adult has 60000 miles of blood vessels running through his body. An average male has 5.6 liters of blood while a female has 4.5 liters of blood. A new born baby has a cup of blood in his body.

The blood moves in form of waves or a rhythm with each beat of the heart and it is known as pulse. The pulse can be felt at specific locations of the body like the wrist, the temple and the throat.The pulse is counted in beats per minute and the normal resting heart rate is anywhere between 70 beats per minute to over 100