Brazil Facts – 115 Fascinating Facts About Brazil
Brazil Interesting Facts
“Nao-Me-Toque” is a city in Brazil which means “Don’t Touch Me.”
3 of the 5 wealthiest people got rich off beer in Brazil.
Nearly 15,000 billboards were taken down when Sao Paulo, Brazil banned outdoor advertising in 2006.
The largest free rock concert ever had 4.2 million people, held in Rio de Janeiro by Rod Stewart.
Apple’s iPhone is nearly twice more expensive in Brazil than in the U.S.
Rio de Janeiro means “January River” and it was called by mistake, by a Portuguese explorer who thought that the bay was the mouth of a river.
A gram of cocaine costs only 9 Euros in Brazil, while 207 Euros in Australia.
Henry Ford tried to establish an industrial town “Fordlandia” in the Amazon Rainforest in 1928 to secure a source of cultivated rubber. The project failed and the city was abandoned in 1934.
Someone is murdered every 10 minutes in Brazil.
Zerao, a stadium in Macapa, Brazil where the midfield line is located on the Equator, making each team to defend one hemisphere.