Dog Facts: Interesting Facts About Dogs to Surprise You

Dog Facts

Dogs can tell when people are untrustworthy and will stop listening to a person if they prove unreliable.

Dogs can fall in love. Dogs brains releases oxytocin, the love hormone when it interacts with humans and dogs.

Kittens and puppies can be adopted as early as 8 weeks of age. Until then, they should stay with their moms and littermates.

Unspayed females only go into heat twice a year, so dog breeders need to plan carefully.

It’s not abnormal for dogs to eat their one feces.

The pads of dog’s paws are largely made of fatty tissue, which is why their feet don’t get cold when they’re hopping through the snow.

Dogs carry majority of their weights in their toes as opposed to their heels.

If your dog starts excessively licking or gnawing at paws, it could be a sign of anxiety.

There are 339 dog breeds, according to the World Canine Organization.

Getting hugged is not one of the favorite activities of dogs as they consider the gesture of putting a limb over them as a sign of dominance.