Pearl Harbor Facts – 42 Interesting Facts About Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor Attack Facts

The service members who had survived the attack on the Pearl Harbor have the option of making the harbor their last resting place along with their fallen comrades.

The waters of the Pearl Harbor were shallow and unsuitable for conventional torpedoes. Therefore the Japanese secretly developed aerial torpedoes that could operate in such shallow water and bombs that could penetrate deck armor

In all 19 ships were sunk which included eight battleships, three cruisers, three destroyers and some supporting vessels.

It is often alleged that British intelligence had unearthed the plan by the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor and the details were also known to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Some writers contend that Roosevelt had advance knowledge of the attack and “allowed” it to occur so that he could take the United States into World War II.

Pearl Harbor was a part of the Kingdom of Hawaii and was never always a part of the US.

A treaty in 1875 enabled the Kingdom to ship sugar, the primary crop of the Kingdom to the US, tax-free.

The agreement allowed the US Navy to have exclusive access to the Pearl Harbor for coaling and repair station.

In 1899 after the fall of the Hawaiian Kingdom, US constructed a naval base in 1899.

Many places around the world are named for a stand-out feature, and Hawaiian name for Pearl Harbor was Wai Momi, which translates means “water of pearl,” a name was given by early Hawaiians for the abundance of pearl oysters.